A Comprehensive Guide For SoundCloud Beginners To Seasoned Professionals

So you have made up your mind to dive into the world of podcasting and also choose the Soundcloud platform for this. It will be a very nice decision but you are worrying about who will guide you. please do not worry because we are here to help you always. By reading these posts you will get step by step guide so that you can walk through everything from the basics to becoming a pro podcaster.

Why do You choose Podcasting Over Music Production?

Guide For SoundCloud Beginners To Seasoned Professionals

This is the serious part of this post and please tell us why you are choosing podcasting. Do you find it easier than music production and from any other fields? If this is your concern then let us tell you that nothing is possible without hard work in this field also. You have to be very up-to-date with your content and also stay informed about what listeners want to listen to.

Here is the Professional Guide

If you are ready then these will be the steps that you have to follow. In the last, we will give you some tips by which you can improve your profile and by improving your profile you will get more engagement of new listeners:

  1. Setting Up Your SoundCloud Account:
  2. Exploring Your Dashboard:
  3. The Hunt for Podcast Ideas:
  4. Crafting Your Podcast:
  5. Uploading to SoundCloud:
  6. Giving Your Podcast a Home:
  7. Spreading the Word:
  8. Engaging with Your Listeners:
  9. Improving Your Craft:
  10. Monetization – Turning Passion into Profit:

Setting Up Your SoundCloud Account

Let’s start your journey by Creating your account on the SoundCloud platform. Simply go to the Play Store and get their application on your smartphone. If you don’t want to install the application then you can go to soundcloud.com and hit the sign-up button. Now it’s time to pick up on a username by which people or listeners will recognize you. After that add an email and password to log in. Once you are done with this you will be an official member of SoundCloud.

Exploring Your Dashboard

After logging in to your new account, you have to look around your SoundCloud account dashboard. You will find it like a control center of your account. You can check out your profile, navigate through different settings, and many more from this dashboard. Now one more thing that you can do is to get family here with everything. There is no need to rush take your time and go through all the settings.

The Hunt for Podcast Ideas

This is the time to use your mind and make a sparkle. now it’s time to search on the internet what people are looking for and decide what you want to Port cast to be about. There are several ideas in this world that you can adopt but serve differently, people will love to watch. For example, you can give cooking tips and storytelling, you can break down movies and also can do reviews, and many more. find a suitable niche in which you are interested and also that has a great audience.

Crafting Your Podcast

Now it’s time to make a noise by offering the audience something that they had never seen or listened to. Use your smartphone or any other recording device to create your first episode. You can share your thoughts, tell the audience about yourself, and also tell a story or interview that is something interesting. If you are worrying about perfection then do not worry about that because it will be your first episode not the last. And perfection will come with time.

Uploading to SoundCloud

After Creating your first episode it’s time to share it on this platform with the world of listeners. You have to go back to your soundclouds dashboard and their click on the cloud icon with the upward arrow. That is the uploading button of this platform now select your episode file and hit the upload button. Now your voice is officially on the internet and in between millions of listeners.

Giving Your Podcast a Home

You are every series of podcasts that need a home. For that, you have to create a playlist of your episodes on SoundCloud. There you can categorize them based on content. It will be similar just like creating a playlist of your favorite songs on music platforms. After creating a playlist by categorizing your podcast you have to give them a catchy name. After that, you are done with this.

Spreading the Word

Now it’s time to spread your creation among the listeners. For that, SoundCloud offers a share button by which you can share your creation directly on social media and other platforms. So what you are waiting for just click on that share button and tell your friends, family, and anyone you want that you have cooked something interesting.

Engaging with Your Listeners

After some time your podcast will gain a momentum of views and engagement. at the time there are a few things that you have to take care of. for example, you have to respond to the comments and also ask the listeners for feedback. once they give feedback about your creation you can make changes and also can do better next time. You can also ask them in the future what they want in new episodes. you have to treat them as a family because they will be the only ones who help you to grow.

Improving Your Craft

Listen you have to improve your creations every time. As we all know every prove was once a beginner in their life. You have to listen to your episodes and figure out where you have to make changes and can do better. You have to do experiments with time because without risk there is no reward. After some time you can upgrade your pieces of equipment so that you can do better Creations.

bMonetization – Turning Passion into Profit

Once you get there a good number of followers for a big family, you can convert your passion into profit. There is a monetization option on this platform where you can earn some money with your hard work. And once you get money for your passion it will be a motivation for you and you will create awesome stuff for your audience every time. So what you are waiting for is start your hard work now. You can also read the full detailed SoundCloud monetization guide from official.

Some Tips To Grow Faster

Learning from Others

As you start creating podcasts there are a lot of users who have done that before you. you can make new friends in this community and also can learn from them. you can listen to other podcasts by which you can get better ideas and also get better visualization power to create better podcasts. So always check out your fellow creators and what they are cooking.

Consistency Is Key

If you want to make your career in this field then consistency is the key. consistency will build your audience automatically. you have to make a schedule that all your audience knows. The last thing is that stuck on your schedule the listeners will appreciate your work by sure.

How To Be Professional?

Professionalism is a skill that will come with time. So if you want to be a professional in this field then give proper time to your passion. Listen to others and learn what they are doing better than you. after that create your podcast with better ideas and give your 100%. You will see a sparkle and find that you are also a professional after some time.

Guide FAQs

How many podcasts do I have to upload in a week?

You have to make your schedule for example you can upload one podcast in a week means 4 podcasts in a month. Now create your schedule and work on it.

How to gain more followers in less time on this platform?

There are no hacks in this field you have to work hard to build your consistency. Once you create consistency it will build your audience automatically.

How much time it will take to create an account on this platform?

Only a few minutes are needed to create a new account on this platform. Just follow the steps and you are ready to go.

How much time it will take to create a podcast like professionals?

It’s only up to you how much time you take to Grab a new thing in your life. If you want it to happen fast then work hard.

Last Words

This is the simplest guide that will help you as a beginner in podcasting to become a professional. you have to remember one thing that everyone starts somewhere and that is the beginning. so grab your equipment record better than others and make the noise. What you are waiting for grab your microphone and start working hard today. To get more knowledgeable content, you can keep connected with us on scconverter.net and follow our social media accounts.


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